The BOSFilipinos Podcast

By Katie Milliken

As people, we always crave community and connection. In the era of self-quarantine and election cycles, lifting each other up has become especially important. We can listen to other's stories and cheer each other on, even though we don’t share a physical space. 

That’s one of the reasons why we’re very excited to announce our new show, The BOSFilipinos Podcast. In each episode, we’ll explore a different aspect of the Filipino American experience, with a focus on members of the Boston community. Our first full episode will come out on April 3rd, and we’ll be posting new content on the first Friday of every month. You can listen to the trailer below. 

I also wanted to share a little bit about myself. I’m a Filipino-Japanese American journalist from San Jose, California. Growing up, I was surrounded by the Filipino side of my family and the Bay Area’s large Asian community. When I moved to Boston for university, I missed the cultural elements that reminded me of my home. 

So, I began to search out Boston-based FilAm groups and found BOSFilipinos. The more I participated in the group’s activities, the more I wanted to volunteer. Shortly after, I had a conversation with Trish and the podcast was born!  

I’ll explore my background and relationship with culture in our first episode. You can subscribe to the show on Apple Podcast, Google Play Music, Spotify, and Stitcher for more updates. Do you have a topic we should discuss, want to be featured, or know anyone we should interview? Let us know by filling out the form below the Trailer Transcript.

Thanks for listening! 

Trailer Transcript

Hello and welcome to the trailer for The BOSFilipinos Podcast.  This is a brand new podcast created by, you guessed it, BOSFilipinos. We’re a volunteer-run organization that aims to highlight Filipino culture in Boston. I’m your host Kaitlin Milliken. In each episode of this show, we’ll highlight a different aspect of the Filipino American experience—from language, to food, to dance, and so much more. Our show is going to be Boston-centric, but we’ll also talk about  aspects of FilAm culture from other parts of the country as well. 

Our first episode will be up soon, but until then, subscribe to our show wherever you listen to podcasts. We’ll be streaming on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Play Music and Stitcher. You can also listen to the show, read awesome profiles, and catch up with our blog posts at If you want to be highlighted or know someone who we should feature, DM us on Instagram, @bosfilipinos. Thanks for listening, and see you soon. 

Podcast Submission